How I came about thinking of, inventing, and developing the Myoride Exercise Machine.
Everyone thinks exercise is a good idea. Some people exercise. Most people don’t. If you’re like most people – you don’t want to spend the time, what, 45 minutes or more exercising. Lack of time and lack of results are the 2 main reasons people don’t exercise. My name is Dr. Peter Lind and I have been in private chiropractic practice since 1988 helping people with health issues in my clinic. I am a proponent of wellness and being proactive in the pursuit of health. To that end, diet, exercise, and living with less stress are all important. In my case, exercise was the problem. It really began a number of years ago; I began studying just what kinds of exercise were healthy or maybe the question: why even exercise at all? I had given up conventional exercises; jogging, going to the gym, purchasing a stationary bike, treadmill, rower. I even sprinted up my road and almost tore my Achilles tendon. So I stopped altogether and re-evaluated the entire idea of exercise. But in a short time, I developed a simple routine of doing vigorous exercises with free weights lying on my back. One day I was pumping up an air mattress and noticed that you could get resistance (and muscular action) in both directions the pump moved. I took the pump apart and saw a diaphragm inside a cylinder. The next week I went to the local pneumatic shop and the owner showed me an air cylinder and I ordered four air cylinders – one for each of the arms and legs. In July 2013, I built the first exercise machine in my garage. It took me two weeks to get down the movement dynamics and I have been doing cardio-respiratory exercise ever since. In addition to the cardio-respiratory affects I found unexpected benefits. In September 2013, I attended a doctor convention and one of the presentations was a fitness guru who had us all do calisthenics to determine our levels of fitness. One exercise was to see how many pushups we could do in 60 seconds. I’ve never spent any time doing pushups but 45 seconds into the event I was the only one left and I ended up doing 67 in a group of mostly fit, younger doctors in that one minute. I knew it was the muscle toning effects of the exercise I was doing. The Myoride Exercise Machine I developed is the most effective way to exercise the most muscles in the shortest time. It is the most intensive, complete full body exercise you will ever have. This is the introduction and the beginning of the story. There is much more that takes place in the invention and entire process of developing the Myoride Exercise Machine. I will share with you what amazing discoveries I have found about exercising with my machine. Also, please share this with your friends who you think would benefit.
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